Wednesday, May 8, 2024

What scent to you prefer for your natural soap?


#momlife #firsttimemom #selfcarepostpartum #naturalsoapshop

For me, because I am such an “ energy” reading kind of person meaning the energy around me affects my mood and energy levels significantly- I would have to say my favorite soap scent is chosen based on how I am feeling. So, if I am feeling drained or emotionally depleted, then my go to soaps HANDS DOWN are my herbal/fresh scented soaps. If I'm feeling good, sleepy or just blah, my go to is citrus/ fruity, and if I feel overstimulated like too much is going on, I reach for unscented or sometimes eucalyptus scents. So, I CAN NOT choose 1 favorite 🤣. I ‘ve got to have them all… my shower shows that right now… I have 3 bars of soap on my shower rack right now as we speak, lol.

What’s yours?

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