Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Like Nike Said... Just Do It. But I Like To Just Say... Just Rinse It Off


This summer, make traveling with kids simple, but still fashionable with Itzy Ritzy Diaper Bags at Shop our collection of neutral toned, large backpacks perfect for traveling, vacations, and errands too! Use this link to get $30 OFF our best selling diaper bag- Itzy Ritzy Vanilla Latte Boss Plus during our Spring & Mother's Day Sale.

Click this link to grab the coupon code 👇

Wednesday's Self Care Affirmation for


"Imposter Syndrome"
I am enough, just as I am. My worth is not defined by perfection or the approval of anyone. I embrace my unique journey, recognizing that I am capable and deserving of the success that I want for myself.
I release feelings of imposter syndrome- or feeling like I'm not good enough or knowledgeable enough and I welcome self-compassion and confidence into my life. I will trust in my abilities and I know that I have the strength and can do whatever I put my mind to.
With each step I take, I am being sincere to who I am and what I want for my life. What I have to offer is enough.

Like Nike Said... Just Do It. But I Like To Just Say... Just Rinse It Off

Today, let's talk imposter syndrome so it can stop holding you back.
When you are nervous about to stepping outside your comfort zone, sometimes you can mix the feelings of fear with feelings of inadequate.
Guess what- that jittery, second - third- fourth- and fifth feeling of "I don't think I can" before starting something different is just a feeling of fear and it is NOT that you are incapable of doing it.
When I decided to start my journey as a mama boss and leave my stable teaching career, it was one of the scariest things I have ever done. Honestly, I still get that "imposter feeling" like "I don't know what I am doing and am I even supposed to be in this space" kind of feeling.
But, God has a way of letting you know that you are in the right place at the right time.
That's what has been my experience in dealing with imposter syndrome.
Sometimes, it's not about whether something is a "forever" thing, the question often is " Is this the season for me to enter into it?
That imposter feeling, I don't really know if it ever really goes away. But I will tell you what I do know.
I do know that God will direct your path when you are moving according to His will and His purpose for your life. And when you have direction (not all the answers, just direction... and can move one step at a time), you can be confident in moving forward with a little less fear.
Those feelings of fear don't define your capabilities. They're simply reminders that you're challenging yourself and embracing growth.
It's natural to question yourself and wonder if you belong in this new space. But, there's a peace that can't really be explained when you know that God is leading your way.
He has a way of guiding you to where you need to be, precisely when you need to be there.
It's not about knowing if something is meant to be forever; it's about recognizing if it's the right time for you to step into it. That imposter feeling may linger, but it doesn't have to hold you back. Trust that God is leading you on a path aligned with His will and purpose for your life.
You may not have all the answers, but as long as you have direction to move one step at a time—you can also move forward with confidence, knowing that you're walking in faith.
Embrace whatever journey you are called to with courage, knowing that you are exactly where you need to be.
Keep believing in yourself, your journey is unfolding beautifully.
Sending hugs and love this Wednesday from my heart to yours! 🤗😘
And as always, until next time... Color every thought that you have today as BEAUTIFUL as you are❣️

Subscribe to Smom's Lifestyle for more " Nurturing My Soul" Goodness! Click Here 👇

What's the #1 way to get rid of " Imposter Syndrome"?

Rinse it Off!

Bring "extra soap" to the shower when you are starting something new!

Why? Because the shower is the best place to brainstorm without someone calling you... MOST of the time 🤣 AND so you wash away all those FAKE doubts and come out squeaky clean and as the fresh smelling superstar you already truly are! 😘

Sometimes, just being a little silly can help rinse away those feelings of doubt and remind you of your true worth and capabilities. So lather up, laugh it off, and step out feeling confident and refreshed!

Did You Know:

Relaxation: Warm water has a soothing effect on the body and mind, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. When you're relaxed, your mind is more open to introspection and self-reflection.

Tonight's Reflection Question:

What would happen if I embraced the possibility of making mistakes or not knowing everything?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Smom's Lifestyle: Nourish Your Energy- Affirmations for Women


At Smom's Lifestyle-, we want to help you make packing for family vacations and travel with your littles a breeze this summer with our premium collection of Itzy Ritzy diaper bags and baby essentials PLUS a little something for mama too. After all, vacations are amazing, but when you return from your vacation mama- give yourself a vacation FROM the vacation with our SMOM TLC Box! Available at

Nourish Your Energy:

Life can be a bit like juggling. We toss one commitment in the air, catch it, and then another one comes flying our way. It's easy to end up with a heap of responsibilities that leave us feeling like we're in overload... and in over our heads. But the thing is – it's perfectly okay to admit when we've hit our limit.

😍**Download my free - 7 Days of Inspiration for Moms to see how to plug your energy leaks for a more balanced work and family life.

Get your customized bundle starting at $39

As moms we feel like we have to do it all. Sometimes, we mix up being busy with being productive. Feeling overwhelmed or like you can't keep up is not a sign of weakness; it's acknowledgment that your human.

Imagine your time and energy as this limited, precious resource. Learning to say 'no' is like putting up a little fence around that resource, making sure it's invested where it matters most. Saying 'no' doesn't mean you're closing doors; it means you're keeping the doors open to what truly needs and requires your time.

So moms... let's plug those energy leaks called overcommitting and practice say no until your plate feels like a curated menu and not a heaping, mile high plate from a buffet.

Let's be real; if we could morph ourselves into 20 people, or freeze time to get more done, we would. The reality is... that isn't reality and you can't do everything all the time.

Even superheroes need to pick their battles. So, focus on your priorities – the stuff that really matters to you. Think of saying 'no' as your way of saying, "Hold on, let me check if this aligns with my mission and my goals."

Life can feel like a crazy ride, but you're at the driver's seat. Saying 'no' with a smile isn't a rejection; it's the way to steer yourself towards what brings you joy and fulfillment while not adding on more than you can handle.

Until next time... color your thoughts beautiful! 😘


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Smom's Lifestyle: Dream Life

Check out Your ULTIMATE self care shop for BOTH mom and baby! We carry brands including- Itzy Ritzy Diaper Bags, Earth Mama, Plant Therapy, Maui Bath Co and many more! Grab something for your little one AND you too! 

 Dream Life

Why wait for the perfect moment? Your life is not a dress rehearsal – Now is the time to go for it without regrets, to explore what's available to you and seize every opportunity.

Are you living your life as if it's a dress rehearsal?

Sometimes, it's fear in disguise that holds us back from pursuing our burning desires. Let's break free from the mental autopilot, where dreams are deferred to a distant future. Take those baby steps, because motion creates momentum.

As ambitious women, balancing motherhood with aspirations can be challenging, but it's time to stop deferring and start living. Activate your ambitions, move from planning to action, and remember: "Action takers are money makers!"

I'm calling you to kindle and breathe life into your dreams in 2024. If you've ever felt stuck, it's time to break through.

No more going in circles, no more lingering discontent. It's time to turn your dreams into reality with practical tips, ideas, and strategies. Your success is not accidental; it's a purposeful journey.

Embrace Your Dream Life... start creating it today!

Until next time, color your thoughts... beautiful!
Jessica 😘

Love this Sunday's Dream Life Activation Wallpaper? Download it free here for your dose of daily motivation... You've Got This!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Smom's Lifestyle: Ambitious Women Unite- Breaking Through Default Mode

Check out Your ULTIMATE self care shop for BOTH mom and baby! We carry brands including- Itzy Ritzy Diaper Bags, Earth Mama, Plant Therapy, Maui Bath Co and many more!

Shop Smom's Lifestyle- It's time to unwrap tranquility. 😌

7 Days of Inspiration- Get free printable Affirmation Cards for women to use self care as the driving force behind your ambition and success:
Ambitious Women Unite: Breaking Through Default Mode

I once heard these inspiring words:
"Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal. You won't get another chance once it's all over. Why not go for it without regrets? Explore what's available to you, you'll never know unless you give it a try". - Carrie Greene

Are you living your life as if it's a dress rehearsal?
Is there something burning inside that you want to try, but you keep convincing yourself that it's not the right time?

When will it truly ever be the time? Challenges and obstacles may present themselves as 'bad timing,' but sometimes, it's just fear in disguise."

As ambitious women, blending motherhood with our aspirations can sometimes place us in a mental space of default, moving in autopilot day to day, deferring our dreams to some distant future.

It's time to stop defaulting into the day-to-day routine and give your dreams the opportunity to show you what else is possible. Remember, baby steps... is motion.

Activate your ambitions and move from planning and talking to a space of action.
As the saying goes, "Action takers are money makers."

I want to challenge you to join the Dream Life Activation Challenge!

Smom's Lifestyle family- It's a call to kindle and breathe life into the dreams you hold dear this year. If you've ever felt a longing for more but found yourself stuck, know that you're not alone. The 1 month challenge is crafted for beautiful souls like you who find more freedom, success, and joy. This is your opportunity to break through in 2024!

You'll get practical tips, ideas, and strategies focused on helping you to unlock the incredible potential within you. During the challenge, you'll receive a special box filled with goodies to help you kickstart your journey and guide you away from feeling stuck.

No more going in circles. No more lingering discontent. The Dream Activation Challenge is your invitation to a breakthrough – an opportunity to unwrap tranquility and get encouragement so you can begin turning your dreams into reality.

Your success doesn't just happen; it's a purposeful journey.

Living your own dream life will happen... when you shift your mindset and add in faith of a mustard seed. Embrace this truth, and you'll pave the way for breakthroughs and success in 2024 and beyond. Join me as we embark on this beautiful journey together-

Dream Life Activation Challenge- will you accept the challenge?

Download 7 Days of Inspiration- Get free printable Powerful Affirmation Cards for moms and women to use as the driving force behind your ambition and success- strong mamas and women on a mission:

Until next time, color your thoughts ... Beautiful!
Jessica 😘


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Smom's Lifestyle: Itzy Ritzy Diaper Bag at The Ultimate Self Care Shop for BOTH Mommy & Baby

The Itzy Ritzy Diaper Bag at The Ultimate Self Care Shop for both Mommy & Baby!

Use coupon code - Smom Care at checkout for $10 OFF your first order!

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Smom's Lifestyle: Living in Purpose: Daily Affirmations as Your Guiding Light- Affirmations for Women


Visit Smom's Lifestyle- Self Care Shop at for words of affirmation for women- wallpapers & wall art, natural beauty & spa, and so much more to unwrap your tranquility, strengthen your resilience, and chase your dreams in 2024.

** Love the art? View the collection at! **

Download 7 Days of Inspiration for printable affirmations for women on a mission to believe you are worthy, strong, and capable of the success you desire in 2024.

Use this link to download now 👉

 Living in Purpose: Daily Affirmations as Your Guiding Light

I learned they power of affirmations for women by accident.

One night, I was up late working ( as I usually have to do). I had just created a wallpaper art to add to the shop. I always set them as wallpapers to my personal desktop to test them before I place them in the self care shop.

The wallpaper I had just worked on was Serenity Prayer and it was set as my lock screen wallpaper.

Coincidently, I needed that the very next day- let me tell you how that happened.

The very next day, a financial situation happened in my personal life that was well beyond my control. Let's just say, it brought along a lot of stress and anxiety- we all know clear thoughts do not come from a place of stress and anxiety.

Now, I usually have my desktop monitor turned off when I am not working on it, but this particular day it was not. After a LONG day of stressing and what felt like losing my "marbles" I walked into my office to grab a pen and notepad that I needed from my desk.

My eyes were met with my computer screen- I saw the Serenity Prayer at just the right time.

At that moment- I was reminded.

God wants me to come to Him. Not stress, not worry, and not try to figure this out on my own.

Sometimes, we don't realize we need something... until we actually need "that something" if you know what I mean.

I was reminded of where my help comes from and who my faith is in.

So, from that moment forward, I decided that I would continue making inspirational art because someone's eyes will see these words at just the right time too.

See more at

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Smom's Lifestyle: Affirmations for Women-Believe & Achieve- Nourishing Dreams with Self-Love


Visit Smom's Lifestyle- Self Care Shop at for words of affirmation for women- wallpapers & wall art, natural beauty & skincare, wellness products, essential oils, stationary, teas, mugs, and so much more to unwrap your resilience to chase your dreams in 2024- for the ambitious woman!

** Love the art? View the collection at!

Download 7 Days of Inspiration for over 30+ pages of printable affirmations for women on a mission to believe you are worthy, strong, and capable of the success you desire in 2024. It's your inspiration to JUST GET IT DONE this year, while you nourish your soul. You've Got This!

Use this link to download now 👇

Believe & Achieve- Nourishing Dreams with Self-Love:
As ambitious moms and women- we set ambitious New Year's resolutions filled with aspirations, only to find them slipping away as soon as February... or sooner for some of us. Does this mean you should be hard on yourself?

Absolutely not.

Know This,

Your mental and emotional capacity will change as the seasons of your life change- be open to the flow of it all- amidst the hustle and bustle.

But, it's time to shift our perspective and shower ourselves with the same love and commitment we generously offer others.

Cherish and value yourself, your promises... instead of New Year Resolutions. Keep your promises to yourself & let it become just as valuable as the commitments you make to others- your job, your children, and any other responsibility you may have -where NO is not an option.

It's a journey of self-love and of self care and it begins with acknowledging your worth. It's a promise to nurture the beautiful soul that resides within you and believe in your potential.

Jessica 😘

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Smom's Lifestyle: The Extraordinary You: Crafting a Life of Resilience and Purpose


Shop Smom's Lifestyle at for printable and downloadable inspirational watercolor art, natural beauty & spa, wellness products, essential oils, stationary, teas, mugs, and so much more to unwrap your tranquility & resilience so you can go for your dreams in 2024!

** Love the art? Download it today at! **

The Extraordinary You: Crafting a Life of Resilience and Purpose

You possess immense capabilities, and the coming year holds the promise of extraordinary possibilities. Grant yourself the kindness to progress at your own pace, recognizing that the journey may take a unique shape with the responsibilities of parenthood. Remember, success is not a race; it's about perseverance and unwavering commitment.

Reflect on the words of Isaiah 40:31: "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." This scripture encourages us to trust in divine strength. As you navigate the intricate path of motherhood intertwined with your aspirations, let this year showcase your indomitable spirit.

Confront every challenge with the understanding that every step forward matters, and you are building the groundwork for a life that transcends the ordinary—because you are truly extraordinary!

Download a FREE copy of my eBook 7 Days of Inspiration for self care and mindset tips to help you JUST GET IT DONE this year, without excuses! You've Got This!
Use this link to download now 👇

Like Nike Said... Just Do It. But I Like To Just Say... Just Rinse It Off

  This summer, make traveling with kids simple, but still fashionable with Itzy Ritzy Diaper Bags at Shop our collection of n...