Friday, April 7, 2023

Time to Unplug and Recharge

Download my free 7 Days of Inspiration and Self Care eBook

Heartbreak can come in many forms. Divorce, end of a friendship, job loss, stress and burnout, perfectionism, loss of purpose, just to name a few.

Healing your heart from disappointment takes listening to your heart. You need self love and self care at the right time.

Start healing from heartbreak today and grow inner peace, happiness, confidence, self love, and purpose today with my 7 Days of Inspiration & Self Care.

 Get  self care ideas to  heal your heart and mind, daily encouragement and affirmations, inspirational smart watch face downloads, and more to help you start creating the life you want.

Click here to download 

Time to Unplug and Recharge

2023: The Year to Make Yourself a Priority!

I know that unplugging isn’t an easy task, and it certainly isn’t as simple as it is to to just say the words "unplug". It can make you feel a little guilty for not being available to your family– and I would assume at least one mama reading this might feel the same way and know where I am coming from.

But, it’s not fair to you. You are human. You can't function around the clock for everyone without taking time for yourself. You are not a robotBreaks are necessary. 

Honestly, I say these things mostly for myself, because they’re things I need reminders in, but hopefully they’re helpful to you as well.

Consider these 3 tips:

1. Schedule time away. Maybe a mom-cation or an outing with friends or even alone will give you some time to relax and unplug. 

2. Share the load.
It's okay to ask for help. Learning the art of delegating is essential. It will have great benefits if you simply just pass on a task or two instead of feeling like you have to do it all.

3. Communication is key!

Your relationship with your spouse/partner makes all the difference in the world when it comes to sharing the load. Be honest about your feelings and your needs. And for my single moms, its important to create a network of support with friends and family. Use this network as a bridge when you need to unplug.

    Have a blessed week! You only have one job... Be better than you were yesterday! 😉

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