Sunday, April 9, 2023

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Smom's Lifestyle Exclusive: Your Mindset, Your Life

"You don’t get rid of yesterday by talking about it all the time; you get rid of its effect on you by moving forward." -Unknown

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Smom's Lifestyle Exclusive: Your Mindset, Your Life

You have dreams, goals, ideas, and visions sometimes of your future, your life, your purpose. You know that you are meant to be more and do more than you are currently doing. You one day decide to go out on a limb, but you fall flat on your face.

You think that this was a horrible idea because it didn’t go as planned or feel as good as you thought it would. Then, you start to think of all the naysayers who told you it was a bad idea. And finally, you decide to go back into your unfulfilled shell because you think this was a disaster and it's just not meant to be. 

It’s time to get rid of yesterday. What wasn’t successful yesterday, last week, last month, or last year has nothing to do with today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. Too often we forget that when you are working towards something that you never had, there will be challenges, setbacks and face plants straight to the ground.

The one who is able to see this as an opportunity to pivot instead of quit is the one that will overcome and overall win.

You were created for greatness. Don’t let the words of the outside world around you convince you that you are inadequate or incapable. You will rise as high as your mindset will allow you to rise. You will go as far as your ideas can go. You will prevail as often as your ability to be persistent and strong.

Yesterday was yesterday. Let it go and start looking toward tomorrow. Your rear view is much, much, smaller than what’s visible through the windshield. 

If you’re ready for more in your life, give yourself time for self care, self love, and self discovery. Remember, you don’t get rid of yesterday by talking about it all the time; you get rid of its effect on you by moving forward. 

Best, Jessica

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