Sunday, June 4, 2023

Go Zen and Take It Easy


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Go Zen: Best Playlist for the Perfect Zen Den

Go Zen and Take It Easy: 

This week, we are talking about taking care of yourself (some call it self-care) and helping someone else through an act of kindness to “PREPARE” for a Great Day!


Even though we have no control over what surprises get thrown in our path, we do have control over how we choose to PREPARE for a great day.

#1 Try this: Take care of yourself: Stress can be tough on your mind and body. In order to be the best version of yourself, you must prioritize your self-care.

Do activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as exercising, meditating, or pursuing hobbies that you have left behind.

Don’t have a hobby? You can always learn something new!

#2 Try This:

Help someone: Acts of kindness and helping others can bring a sense of fulfillment and happiness. Look for opportunities to lend a hand or offer support to someone that needs it.

Try something simple, like holding the door open for someone or sharing a smile or positive words with the cashier at the grocery store while you’re checking out. You’ll be amazed at how good it makes you feel to light up someone else's day.

You’ll feel all warm and cozy inside even on a cloudy, rainy day. 😊

Yes, simple and practical ways to have a great day and lower stress levels too.

See how you can put just one of these in your day this week and see how much of a drastic difference it makes. 😊

Remember, making today great is largely decided by your perspective and actions. Embrace positivity, look for opportunities to grow, and appreciate the present moment instead of racing to the next destination.

Enjoy the journey on the way because those little moments that you forget to focus on will pass you by.

Don’t miss out on the little things while you’re enjoying those. And by the way, HAVE A GREAT DAY!

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