Sunday, April 9, 2023

Click here to listen! Your Mindset, Your Life

Smom's Lifestyle Exclusive: Your Mindset, Your Life

"You don’t get rid of yesterday by talking about it all the time; you get rid of its effect on you by moving forward." -Unknown

Click here to download 7 Days of Inspiration and Self Care eBook  

Smom's Lifestyle Exclusive: Your Mindset, Your Life

You have dreams, goals, ideas, and visions sometimes of your future, your life, your purpose. You know that you are meant to be more and do more than you are currently doing. You one day decide to go out on a limb, but you fall flat on your face.

You think that this was a horrible idea because it didn’t go as planned or feel as good as you thought it would. Then, you start to think of all the naysayers who told you it was a bad idea. And finally, you decide to go back into your unfulfilled shell because you think this was a disaster and it's just not meant to be. 

It’s time to get rid of yesterday. What wasn’t successful yesterday, last week, last month, or last year has nothing to do with today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. Too often we forget that when you are working towards something that you never had, there will be challenges, setbacks and face plants straight to the ground.

The one who is able to see this as an opportunity to pivot instead of quit is the one that will overcome and overall win.

You were created for greatness. Don’t let the words of the outside world around you convince you that you are inadequate or incapable. You will rise as high as your mindset will allow you to rise. You will go as far as your ideas can go. You will prevail as often as your ability to be persistent and strong.

Yesterday was yesterday. Let it go and start looking toward tomorrow. Your rear view is much, much, smaller than what’s visible through the windshield. 

If you’re ready for more in your life, give yourself time for self care, self love, and self discovery. Remember, you don’t get rid of yesterday by talking about it all the time; you get rid of its effect on you by moving forward. 

Best, Jessica

Join the Smom's Lifestyle community for weekly motivation to heal your heart and your mindset, grow your confidence, self love, and personal development and start creating the life you want.

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Read the blog...

-Crying for Happiness:

-Self Love Affirmations and Mantras to Remind You That You're Special- Healing of a Broken Heart is Possible: Get the Right Tools for When You Want to Feel Better Faster: 

-Journaling Prompts for Beginners: Change Your Life and Start Journal Writing:

- Smom's Lifestyle: SmartWATCH My Faith collection of exclusive smom’s lifestyle designs, quotes, and motivation of feminine smartwatch face wallpapers available for free download

Shop "Healing Mindset" Art  at Smom's Lifestyle 


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Smom's Lifestyle You've Got (Peach)This Art Bundle

Smom's Lifestyle You've Got This  (House Plant) Art Bundle:

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Smom's Lifestyle Don't Adapt to the Energy Art Bundle:

Friday, April 7, 2023

smartWatch My faith: SMOM (Strong Mama or Woman on a Mission) Plant Therapy FREE Smart Watch Face Download

Have a smart watch? Download my FREE mood boosting, inspirational smart watch face now!

Just a Little Plant Therapy: Smart watch download for Android and Apple .

Click here to download!

 Jessica "Jess Peachy" of Smom's Lifestyle


  Let's Connect! 



Youtube: Be Happy Smom's Lifestyle @smomslifestyle

Instagram: @smomslifestyle

Download my 7 Days of Inspiration eBook! 
Filled with self care ideas and words of positivity! Download Now

Just a Little Plant Therapy

Feeling a bit anxious, stressed, moody, or tense these days? Are you busy and looking for a quick remedy to bring more balance? Well, I have a tip that will surely bring you some peace, love, and joy all wrapped up! Here's an Exclusive Smom Tip: Adopt a plant, or 2, or more! You need a safe haven; A safe haven is a place that provides people with an opportunity to escape from things that they find unpleasant or worrying. Create a space for yourself, that smells good, is clutter-free, bright and inviting, and has PLANTS! Yes, I said plants! I had no idea how powerful plants were and how helpful it is to have them in your environment and workspace. The greenery brings an added balance and calmness to your home and workspace. You don’t even need real ones. I love faux plants. They look beautiful, give that same balance and calmness, without the responsibility of watering them and losing their beauty! You can’t get any better than that now. If you are not into faux plants, then by all means get a real one. All I am saying is, girl, adopt a plant, become a plant smom…enjoy a little smom plant therapy. You will not regret it once you see how much value it adds to your space while also bringing you a bit of peace and calmness too. Color your thoughts beautiful! Best, Jess Peachy

Time to Unplug and Recharge

Download my free 7 Days of Inspiration and Self Care eBook

Heartbreak can come in many forms. Divorce, end of a friendship, job loss, stress and burnout, perfectionism, loss of purpose, just to name a few.

Healing your heart from disappointment takes listening to your heart. You need self love and self care at the right time.

Start healing from heartbreak today and grow inner peace, happiness, confidence, self love, and purpose today with my 7 Days of Inspiration & Self Care.

 Get  self care ideas to  heal your heart and mind, daily encouragement and affirmations, inspirational smart watch face downloads, and more to help you start creating the life you want.

Click here to download 

Time to Unplug and Recharge

2023: The Year to Make Yourself a Priority!

I know that unplugging isn’t an easy task, and it certainly isn’t as simple as it is to to just say the words "unplug". It can make you feel a little guilty for not being available to your family– and I would assume at least one mama reading this might feel the same way and know where I am coming from.

But, it’s not fair to you. You are human. You can't function around the clock for everyone without taking time for yourself. You are not a robotBreaks are necessary. 

Honestly, I say these things mostly for myself, because they’re things I need reminders in, but hopefully they’re helpful to you as well.

Consider these 3 tips:

1. Schedule time away. Maybe a mom-cation or an outing with friends or even alone will give you some time to relax and unplug. 

2. Share the load.
It's okay to ask for help. Learning the art of delegating is essential. It will have great benefits if you simply just pass on a task or two instead of feeling like you have to do it all.

3. Communication is key!

Your relationship with your spouse/partner makes all the difference in the world when it comes to sharing the load. Be honest about your feelings and your needs. And for my single moms, its important to create a network of support with friends and family. Use this network as a bridge when you need to unplug.

    Have a blessed week! You only have one job... Be better than you were yesterday! 😉

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