Thursday, February 22, 2024

Smom's Lifestyle: Nourish Your Energy- Affirmations for Women


At Smom's Lifestyle-, we want to help you make packing for family vacations and travel with your littles a breeze this summer with our premium collection of Itzy Ritzy diaper bags and baby essentials PLUS a little something for mama too. After all, vacations are amazing, but when you return from your vacation mama- give yourself a vacation FROM the vacation with our SMOM TLC Box! Available at

Nourish Your Energy:

Life can be a bit like juggling. We toss one commitment in the air, catch it, and then another one comes flying our way. It's easy to end up with a heap of responsibilities that leave us feeling like we're in overload... and in over our heads. But the thing is – it's perfectly okay to admit when we've hit our limit.

😍**Download my free - 7 Days of Inspiration for Moms to see how to plug your energy leaks for a more balanced work and family life.

Get your customized bundle starting at $39

As moms we feel like we have to do it all. Sometimes, we mix up being busy with being productive. Feeling overwhelmed or like you can't keep up is not a sign of weakness; it's acknowledgment that your human.

Imagine your time and energy as this limited, precious resource. Learning to say 'no' is like putting up a little fence around that resource, making sure it's invested where it matters most. Saying 'no' doesn't mean you're closing doors; it means you're keeping the doors open to what truly needs and requires your time.

So moms... let's plug those energy leaks called overcommitting and practice say no until your plate feels like a curated menu and not a heaping, mile high plate from a buffet.

Let's be real; if we could morph ourselves into 20 people, or freeze time to get more done, we would. The reality is... that isn't reality and you can't do everything all the time.

Even superheroes need to pick their battles. So, focus on your priorities – the stuff that really matters to you. Think of saying 'no' as your way of saying, "Hold on, let me check if this aligns with my mission and my goals."

Life can feel like a crazy ride, but you're at the driver's seat. Saying 'no' with a smile isn't a rejection; it's the way to steer yourself towards what brings you joy and fulfillment while not adding on more than you can handle.

Until next time... color your thoughts beautiful! 😘


Sunday, February 4, 2024

Smom's Lifestyle: Dream Life

Check out Your ULTIMATE self care shop for BOTH mom and baby! We carry brands including- Itzy Ritzy Diaper Bags, Earth Mama, Plant Therapy, Maui Bath Co and many more! Grab something for your little one AND you too! 

 Dream Life

Why wait for the perfect moment? Your life is not a dress rehearsal – Now is the time to go for it without regrets, to explore what's available to you and seize every opportunity.

Are you living your life as if it's a dress rehearsal?

Sometimes, it's fear in disguise that holds us back from pursuing our burning desires. Let's break free from the mental autopilot, where dreams are deferred to a distant future. Take those baby steps, because motion creates momentum.

As ambitious women, balancing motherhood with aspirations can be challenging, but it's time to stop deferring and start living. Activate your ambitions, move from planning to action, and remember: "Action takers are money makers!"

I'm calling you to kindle and breathe life into your dreams in 2024. If you've ever felt stuck, it's time to break through.

No more going in circles, no more lingering discontent. It's time to turn your dreams into reality with practical tips, ideas, and strategies. Your success is not accidental; it's a purposeful journey.

Embrace Your Dream Life... start creating it today!

Until next time, color your thoughts... beautiful!
Jessica 😘

Love this Sunday's Dream Life Activation Wallpaper? Download it free here for your dose of daily motivation... You've Got This!

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  Lotion isn’t locking in moisture—it’s just sitting on top Have dry itchy skin or eczema and are slathering on lotion like nobody's bus...