Sunday, November 27, 2022

A Piece of Peace and Self Care

A Piece of Peace

 You wake up Monday morning, the sun shining gently against your face to softly welcome you to another day that was promised to you, but wasn’t to some around the world. You wake up with a grateful spirit, have a heart of joy and peace, a mind filled with endless opportunities and dreams, and the will to work toward making something great today. You begin your day with prayer and commence to your daily routine… get yourself and the kids ready, get the kids off to school, kiss the hubby/mate goodbye as he starts his day, and you head off to work. You listen to your motivational music or self help recordings to continue to pour positivity and good vibes into your spirit. You think to yourself,” I am in a pretty good space for a Monday.” You park the car, say a prayer before entering the building, and head into work.

Now you have entered the building and you thought that you had prepared yourself for anything that could come your way. You did say, “ I am in a pretty good space for a Monday, ”right? I mean you did start the day with a prayer, a grateful spirit, and a heart of joy and peace. However, as you are moving through the morning, you say to yourself,” Okay, now I just need a little coffee. My good vibes are starting to feel a little sluggish and restless. I can wake it back up with a little caffeine. Yep, caffeine will do the trick!” Now, you have only been at work for five minutes, but mentally, you’re already feeling like you’ve worked half the work shift! Now, you started your morning on the right foot, but your emotions quickly went south like the birds migrating for the winter!

As mamas/women, we can sometimes try to make our very best effort to “feel good,” but sometimes, that just isn’t enough. We have to pour into ourselves as well. Find out what makes you happy and then actually do it! We love our kids, we love our family and we show them that everyday through the sacrifices that we constantly make for their advancement and success. However, SMOM (strong mama/woman on a mission), what about YOU?

Is it really possible to love your kids, your family, and still have the time, energy, and commitment necessary that will feed into yourself? Is it possible to wake up with a grateful spirit, have a heart of love, joy, peace, AND a mind filled with endless opportunities and dreams? I say to you with an unwavering… YES, it is! Is it easy to do? I say to you with an unwavering… NO, it is not! It happens with a decision and a commitment to yourself. You have to remember to choose selfcare as well. You can’t help or be the foundation of support for anyone, not even our babies no matter how hard we try if you don’t seek to invest in YOU.



Wake up happy and positive! Get more words of inspiration and printable art quotes by visiting Smom's Lifestyle.

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